For immediate release Movieshop support for Wildfire 7! After the clearance of Macrosystems there`ll be the long awaited Movieshop-Wildfire-Operator available for public. So you`ll get one of the most impressive combinations of software currently available in the video business. Simply use Wildfire`s special effects inside the Movieshop animation/video system! A lots of users asked for it - here is it: Fantastic special effects ready to put into your videos without much effort! Inside lots of know Amiga magazines the great amount of special effects and the absolut fantastic price/perfomance ratio of Wildfire 7 was praised. Most authors asked for the Wildfire-Movieshop combination impatiently! Now we are here, ready to start! And we are proud of it! The Movieshop Operator is Shareware and will cost 30 DM (inside Germany) and 40 DM (outside Germany). The Author is Heinrich Angler. He accepts only CASH and and payment in DM as the only currency. On the CD you`ll get there is the needed Wildfire 7 Update, too. (You have to own the standard Wildfire 7 Version, of course) Author of the Operator: Heinrich Angler Hartstr. 28 82110 Germering Germany EMail: Wildfire support: Andreas Küssner Marrinksweg 5 48531 Nordhorn Germany EMail: Phone: ++49(0)5921 330420 18.00 - 20.00 o`clock german time Please contact Heinrich Angler or Andreas Küssner before purchasing the operator because we have to wait for the clearance of Macrosystems. Distributors should contact Oberland Computer concerning the Operator and special effect scripts: Oberland Computer In der Schneithohl 5 61476 Kronberg Germany Tel. ++49(0)6173-6080 email: Usage: You may use the WF-Operator like any other MovieShop-operator in the timeline of a cuttinglist. Inside the operator's window you can define the settings for mode, effectgroup, effect and rendermode. To start rendering you must have loaded Wildfire previously. That's generally all. In the timeline, the operator shows the name of the currently used effect and effectgroup instead of the operatorname. The operatorname is shown on both sides of the operator-gadget. In the line named "Status" you can see the actual step during effectrendering, if the operator- window is opened. The RenderMode-gadget offers four different options: Normal: The effect will be rendered. To enshure, that you have the right effect-session the session-script is loaded with every step. This has the advantage,that you can use more than one WF-Operator at the same time (UPN-mode) inside the cuttinglist but it will slow down processing. Reverse: Same as Normal, but the effect is rendered reversely. Therefor you have no need to generate a new script if you want to invert the effect. Normal no repeat: Same as Normal, but the session-script is loaded only once. This will speed up rendering, but you can not use a second WfMS-Operator at the same time. Reverse no repeat: Same as Normal no repeat, but the effect is inverted. With the gadget InputMode you can switch between videosource 1 and videosource 2 for rendering, this means you can decide, which of your scenes will be effectsource 1 and which effectsource 2. This options is only available in Compose modes. Some effects will take a good while to finish especially if you don't own a ppc or a 68060. So please be patient. You can not cancel rendering while wildfire is working and sometimes it seems there is nothing going on any more. But your computer is doing real hard work for you and you will get a real good wedge. The operator knows four different modes: 1. Single Image This mode is used to work on a single videoscene rendering with predefined wildfire-session-scripts. 2. Compose In this mode you can combine two videoscenes and render them with predefined wildfire-session-scripts. 3. Current Single Basicly the same as Single Image, but the effect is already loaded into Wildfire. Using this option, you can design and test a new effect of your own. Be careful to export your work, because WfMS does not know which effect you have been choosen and therefor it is not possible to store the effect in MovieShop. If you want to use the effect in the future, you must save it as a wildfire-movieshop-session and use the Single-Image-option. This mode is designed for experienced wildfire-users, who want do develop their own video-effects. 4. Current Compose Like Compose, but handling is like Current Single. The developers of wildfire have already designed a couple of ready-to-use effectscripts to demonstrate the power of this synthesis. Some effects are in this package, other effect packages can be bought seperately for prices between 50 DM and 100 DM. You can (if you want) produce your own effects, maybe based on the exisiting ones. The clear and simple conception of wildfire makes it really easy. How to do this is described in the wildfire-documentation. All effected programs can run on a normal Amiga as well as on a Draco-System. WWW-Homepage of Wildfire: WWW-Homepage of MovieShop: Have fun using this operator, Kind regards, Andreas Küssner, Wildfire Project Manager.